Apartment Security

Whether you rent or own your own apartment, you may feel that your home security options are limited by the rules of your building. But, the truth is that there are plenty of home security measures that you can implement in your apartment, regardless of your situation. Our guide to apartment home security will help you understand what security issues you should be aware of and give you the information you need to take the right steps toward making your apartment as safe as possible.

Best Apartment Security Systems

Apartment dwellers today have plenty of options to choose from when it comes to home security systems. Our experts have done the work for you and we’ve put together the definitive list of the best apartment home security systems on the market.

Best Apartment Security Cameras

When it comes to setting up a home security system for your apartment, a good security camera should be at the top of your shopping list. Ideal for apartments because of their portability, this collection of the best apartment security cameras will help you find the perfect one for you.

Securing Your Apartment Door

Securing your front door is the easiest and least expensive way to protect your apartment from break-ins. Featuring everything from a simple swing lock to a more high-tech smart lock, we’ve put together a list of the various options you have when it comes to securing your apartment door.

Securing Apartment Windows

While locking your apartment windows can go a long way in keeping burglars out, there are plenty of other ways to make your apartment windows more secure. Our experts have put together everything you need to know about how to secure your apartment windows.

More Tips for Apartment Security

Moving into your own apartment is really exciting, but along with the awesome feeling of having your own space, you might also be feeling a bit concerned about how you can keep yourself and your valuables safe in your new digs. When you rent an apartment, landlords are typically responsible for securing the building itself, but the contents of your apartment are your responsibility alone.